Page 16 - Jan - March 2023 Edition
P. 16

tired. He swims down the hepatic veins to   found her ascending colon stuck to the
           the terminal venules of the bowel, they get   posterior abdominal wall. Sounds like
           jammed in the narrow vessel and she starts   Bilharzia we said: finally diagnosed 5 years
           laying eggs. They are hidden from our   after leaving.
           immune system by the tegument, think   The good news is most of this is rare! Most
           Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak, but the   people just feel vaguely unwell, never quite
           eggs cause a big immune response, local   right, bad guts and tired all the time. The
           and systemic and this causes the acute   bad news is how many are never
           fever of katayama syndrome. You may   diagnosed? How many expats with Bilharzia
           have diarrhea, a rash, cough, nausea and   go home, continue to see their chosen
           feel rather unwell. Or nothing at all. It’s   specialist, get diagnosed with IBS,
           rarely diagnosed. In the tropics any fever is   endometriosis, chronic PID, recurrent uti or
           called malaria. The clue is high eosinophil   depression, and only get better when the
           count and a negative malaria rapid. It   schistosomes die of old age after 15
           goes away on its own.              years?

           CHRONIC BILHARZIA                  DIAGNOSIS
           The loving schistosome couple live for at   The symptoms are vague, and are usually
           least 15 years causing no problem other   diagnosed as something else because few
           than laying eggs. The eggs are supposed   doctors think Bilharzia. So first of all, think
           to get through the tissue into the bowel   Bilharzia! Take it seriously. It probably isn’t
           lumen, get washed into the lake, hatch   but it might be. Our advice is after any
           and go and torment a snail for 2 years.   exposure, get tested. Any vague symptoms
           Instead most get stuck. They provoke an   get tested. When you leave the country
           immune response that causes a      get tested. Any long lasting vague unwell
           granuloma. This may not cause much   after being in Africa think “what if it’s
           damage in the large bowel, but ectopic   bilharzia.” Any sudden neurological
           couples migrate into the surrounding tissue   symptoms such as headaches, dizziness,
           such as ovaries, tubes, or prostate if you   tingling or numbness get tested. Vague
           have one. They can get completely lost   rather annoying tingling in the fingers on
           and finish up in the spinal canal or into the   Monday can be paralysed from the neck
           brain. This was considered rare or even   down in ICU on a ventilator on Thursday.
           denied 20 years ago but is now a   Please be wary of advice from those who
           recognised cause of epilepsy, paralysis and   are not up to date. We have mostly
           death.                             Mansoni at our end of the lake that doesn’t
           Over the years chronic inflammation turns   present with hematuria or eggs in the urine.
           into permanent fibrosis. Fibrosis of the   You might find eggs in the stool: if there are
           bowel causing chronic inflammatory bowel   enough to find and use special
           disease, fibrosis of the tubes or ovaries   concentration techniques. In most patients
           causing infertility and pain, fibrosis of the   if you find an egg it’s a bit of a fluke. *
           prostrate causing obstruction, or pipe stem   Blood tests for antibody are low sensitivity
           fibrosis in the liver. We have seen it all. We   and specificity: many cases do not have
           used to find that the commonest cause of   detectable antibodies. Even PCR can miss
           chronic gynecological problems in expats   it.
           was Bilharzia. We have seen boys in their   So, what to do?
           late teens with prostate problems, needing   The cathodic antigen point of care tests
           dilation and surgery before they are 30. We   are excellent screening tests. It’s a quick
           have seen patients with spinal cord lesions   simple very cheap urine dip stick.
           causing very sudden onset of progressive   Schistosomes burp: the antigen is burped
           paralysis. One email was a lady who had   out into the blood and can be detected in
           seen 4 gynecologists in USA with chronic   the urine. The test can be strong positive,
           pain, finally had a laparotomy where they  weak or negative depending how many

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