Page 16 - October - December 2022 Edition
P. 16

3) So, after death and violent crime, what about   you will soon realise no one takes prophylaxis in
         common  health  problems?  The  commonest   the city, I didn't and no one in my family had
         cause of going home early is "tired all the time".   malaria  since  1983:  but  if  you  go  out  of  town
         Fatigue is worldwide the commonest reason for  everyone with common sense takes an antima-
         seeing  a  doctor  and  Uganda  is  no  different.   larial. Don't listen to rumours, don't ask a doctor
         There are many reasons for fatigue but rule no 3   who has never seen malaria, don't mess with a
         is  "if  you  are  tired  go  to  bed"  Sounds  rather   killer disease. You can read the whole article on
         pathetically simple but if applied would greatly   the  website,  but  the  best  summary  is  Rapid
         reduce  the  number  of  people  who  quit,  get   Diagnostic  tests  are  essential  and  trustworthy,
         medevac'd or stay but have a miserable time.  buy a few and always have one with you.
         Innumerable  causes  include  constant  minor
         infections  such  as  the  common  cold.  Post   6) There is another tropical disease that is a lot
         infection chronic fatigue syndrome is real. Many   commoner  than  most  people  used  to  think.
         parasites  cause  fatigue.  Add  to  that  unfulfilled   Bilharzia. Some fresh water in Uganda is possibly
         expectations and disappointment. Come in and   "bilharzia free": some of the soda lakes, maybe
         see  us  but  still  common  sense  says  when  you   Lake Bunyoni but as a general rule all fresh water
         have a cold, feel rotten, don't be a hero, go to   potentially  has  bilharzia.  Those  advertised  as
         bed.                                "bilharzia  free"  almost  all  are  high  risk.  Some
                                             travel  advisers  say  "never  go  in  fresh  water  in
         4)  The  commonest  real  disease  we  see  is   Africa".  But  ignoring  medical  advise  and
         diarrhea. Literally see it, as regular patients bring   smoking,  drinking  and  eating  hamburgers  is
         it in small pots for us to examine. Most visitors will   common: so not surprising people also go white
         get an attack of travellers diarrhea in the first 2 or   water  rafting,  water  skiing  and  sailing  on  Lake
         3 weeks, or even days. Door handles and bank   Victoria.  So,  what  is  the  risk?  Yes,  it  is  very
         notes  are  more  likely  sources  of  infection  then   common.  Yes,  it  can  be  very  serious  causing
         food,  but  again  sheer  common  sense  should   paralysis,  epilepsy,  infertility  and  prostatitis.
         warn you against eating something you buy on   However, it is also easily treated.
         the side of the road. The fact is you can wash
         your hands like lady Macbeth and you are still   The  answer  is  sheer  common  sense.  Go  white
         going to get a dose of travellers diarrhea eventu-  water rafting, sailing, or have wild midnight skinny
         ally.  The  best  option  is  always  have  a  dose  of   dipping parties. Water sports are good exercise
         treatment  with  you.  If  you  see  a  doctor  up   in  the  open  air  and  it  is  difficult  to  smoke  a
         country they will probably say you have malaria.   cigarette when you are water skiing. But be very
         Common sense suggests that if you have fever   aware of the risk of Bilharzia.
         and watery diarrhea it is likely to be a stomach   Our advice is to choose one of the options on
         infection. So, rule number 4 is if you get sudden   the  website.  Best  summary  is  the  quick  test  is
         onset  watery  diarrhea  take  the  medicine.  We   accurate, the treatment is cheap and effective,
         use azithromycin 500mg as a single once only   and Bilharzias a potentially serious disease that in
         dose. Double if you are rather more traditionally   most  people  has  very  vague  symptoms.  It's
         built. 95% are better in 24 hours. An alternative is   difficult to prove you have it and impossible to
         aminosidine. If you do nothing most people will   prove you haven't. So, we have a low threshold
         be better in 5 days, but most of us have better   for  treatment.  Any  possible  exposure  and  any
         things to do than sit on the toilet for 5 days so   suggestion  of  infection  we  treat  it.  So,  rule
         take  the  medicine.  Get  it  from  us  and  keep  it   number  6.  Enjoy  healthy  outdoor  water  sports
         next to the bed. There are a number of parasites   but take Bilharzia seriously. Get tested or treated.
         that give rather vague chronic diarrhea. 30% of
         visitors go home with amoeba or Giardia. So, if it   7) Rule number 7 is "don't even think about it".
         goes  on  for  more  than  a  few  days  bring  in  a   The risk of HIV in Uganda is probably 1 to -2,000
         sample.                             times  higher  than  in  UK.  The  country  average
                                             might  be  5%  but  there  are  2  fairly  clear  and
         5) There are some tropical diseases that we see   separate  populations.  Most  Ugandans  do  not
         in visitors. Malaria is a very severe killer disease of  have HIV. They are either celibate or live in stable
         non-immunes.  There  is  more  nonsense  talked   monogamous  relationships  and  they  are  not
         about  malaria  than  any  other  disease.  Rule   interested in you. Their risk is close to zero.
         number 5 is common sense: Take your antima-  Another community is not celibate or monoga-
         larial! In Kampala malaria is seldom seen and   mous and they have a very much higher risk of

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