Page 119 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 119

Quick Facts                         The airport gained global fame in 1976 during
                                            Operation Entebbe, when Israeli forces covert-
        ●  Distance from Kampala: 34 km     ly rescued 100 hostages from a hijacked Air
        ●  Approx. drive time from Kampala: 1-2 hours,   France plane. Uganda’s President Idi Amin was
          depending on traffic              reportedly caught off guard by the raid.
        ●  Average Temperature: 21°C        Attractions
        ●  Entebbe has a tropical climate with relatively   Lake Victoria is Entebbe’s biggest attraction,
          constant temperatures throughout the year.   whether for ferries to the Ssese islands, the
          January is the city’s driest month. Entebbe’s   town’s (small) beaches or the leisure boat
          wettest months are April and May.    rides.
        ●  Elevation: ?                     Out and about
                                            ●  National Botanical Gardens: established in
        ●  Latitude and Longitude: 0°03’00.0”N,
          32°27’36.0”E check this (Latitude: 0.0500;   1898, the lakeshore gardens are home to a
                                              diverse collection of tropical plants, birds and
          Longitude: 32.4600)
        ●  Population (2024 census): see email  ●  Uganda Wildlife Education Center (UWEC)
        ●  Monarch: Kabaka Ronald Edward Freder-  is a sanctuary for various indigenous wildlife
          ick Kimera Muwenda Mutebi II is the 35th   and a day out for the family.
          Kabaka of Buganda Kingdom.        ●  Ngamba Island chimpanzee sanctuary.
                                              Boats depart from near UWEC
        History and Background
                                            ●  Reptiles Village: Ugandan snakes, croco-
        Entebbe, which means “seat” (or literally wood,   diles and chameleons
        from which the seat was made) in the local   ●  Sports fishing and sunset cruises
        Luganda language, is thought to have been
        named for its function as the place where a Ba-  ●  Shoebill viewing at Mabamba Swamp
        ganda chief would sit to adjudicate legal cases.  ●  Friday craft market
        Entebbe became a significant British colonial   ●  Guided bike tours
        administrative and commercial center in 1893   ●  Swimming from the sand beach that lines
        and the seat of government for the Protector-  the shores of the lake.
        ate of Uganda prior to the country’s indepen-  ●  Entebbe Golf Club: The oldest golf course in
        dence in 1962. In the same year, the capital   East Africa, established in 1900.
        was transferred to Kampala.
                                            ●  Kigungu Historical Site: where the first Cath-
        Entebbe International Airport         olic missionaries landed in Uganda.
        Entebbe International Airport (EIA) is Ugan-  How to get to Entebbe
        da’s primary international gateway and largest   An alternative to the congested two-lane En-
        commercial and military airport. It is 41 km by
        road from Kampala and served by a growing   tebbe Road is the 26.2 km Kampala-Entebbe
                                            Expressway, a four-lane toll road linking Enteb-
        number of African, international and domestic
        airlines. The Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda   be International Airport to Kampala, Munyonyo,
                                            Kajjansi, Busega and the Northern Bypass.
        is headquartered near the airport. (Domestic
        flights also depart from Kajjansi, an airstrip on   This recent development means it’s possible to
        the Entebbe Road).                  drive from the airport to the National Parks and
                                            all major tourist destinations without having to
        Entebbe International Airport opened in 1929.
        In 2021, the airport opened a new departures   drive through central Kampala.
        hall and car parks after expanding its cargo   For more detailed information, refer to the
        handling facilities.                pages on Entebbe in the magazine.
                                            Text credit: Charlotte Beauvoisin
                                            (Diary of a Muzungu blog)
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