Page 14 - April - June 2023 Edition
P. 14

As you drive east from Kampala, towards
         Mabira Forest and Jinja, the crowded
         trading centers transition into rolling
         plantations and farms; a nice, natural
         change in scenery. And then as you
         approach yet another trading center
         expecting more congestion and dust, you
         instead discover delightful Lugazi! While the
         buildings and trading-outlets are not really
         any different than the others you have
         passed, these roadsides have been
         planted with trees, which are surrounded by
         temporary  fences  of  timber  highlighting
         their value, and a desire to protect them.   Lugazi beautification efforts                                                Outside the Afrikan Arts Kollective
         One can only imagine how much cooler   Photo courtesy of The Mehta Group
         and  even-more-delightful  Lugazi  will                                                                                   - Photo by Tambularts
         become as these trees mature.  The road then sends you around the central roundabout which
         is impressively tended, and has a vibrant offering of plants and shrubs.  This is all thanks to the
         work of Lugazi Sugar of the Mehta Group.                                            Public Art from Waste
         A recent repeat-trip through lovely Lugazi got me wondering about other community
         beautification projects in Uganda, and so I set out to find them. I have learned about many   If you have recently passed by the equator  on  Masaka  Road, you  have  likely seen
         efforts ranging from presentations of public art, reuses of waste and contraband, and education   “Courtship: Crested Cranes in scrap metal,” by Kandole Reagan—just a few steps north of
         through art, to general clean-up co-ops. Here, I highlight just a few with hopes that these initiatives   the monument-marker. Or if you have traveled between the Kibale National Forest entrance
         will inspire all of us to brighten our own corners and communities.                 and Fort Portal, you have seen in a roundabout, the enormous “Elephant in the Room,” by the
                                                                                             same artist—also in scrap metal. These are just two examples of public art created from
         Community-Wide Initiatives                                                          waste by Kandole and EcoAction, the CBO he founded. (EcoAction and Artist Kandole
         The Bulago Island Club Residents Association ( is very active in its   Reagan: @ecoactionuganda [f]  “Courtship” was funded by the AidChild Equator Shop;
                                                                                             “Elephant in the Room” was funded by The Roofings Group.
         corner of paradise.  It funds and tends tree-lined paths to hilltop viewing points, and to tranquil
         beaches—protecting them from encroachment, and preserving  them for  public use. Their   Public Art as Education
         property agreements require the use of hedges and natural vegetation instead of perimeter   In Kyebando, around the Afrikan Arts Kollective, messaging through public art abounds,
         walls; this alone maintains the island’s character, spirit, and sense of unity. Contraband like illegal
         fishing-nets and -boats become hammocks and decorative displays instead of being sent to the   worth a visit at this intersection of beautification and education (@afrikaartskolle [f]).
                                                                                             Similarly, in Entebbe, you’re likely to encounter at least one of the murals done by community
         landfill. The club also maintains the collection and disposal of non-organic rubbish with
         strategically positioned bins around the island for household generated garbage and the   kids together with Tambularts’ volunteers. At the Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education
                                                                                             Centre (UWEC), for example,  their  anti-poaching messaging showcases the beauty and
         flotsam which comes up on the beaches daily. That non-organic rubbish is transported off the   habitat of the rhino. In Kisalu, the community’s roadside walls at ViaVia Guesthouse have
         island by public boat to Ggaba, once each month. The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA)
         then transports the rubbish to landfill/incineration sites.                         been made beautiful through abstract art, while several NGO offices and places of business
                                                                                             have also been made brighter and happier by their murals. (Tambularts: @tambularts [i].)
                                                                                             If you know of other community beautification efforts, or if you would like to learn from these
                                                                                             best practices, feel free to reach out to me @nathaniel.dunigan (f). We love our world’s
                                                                                             natural beauty. Let’s all do our part to contribute to it, protect it, and celebrate it!

          Bulago Island illegal fishing boats become Boat  Bulago Island maintained paths
          Bar at One Minute South - Alison Porteous  Photo courtesy of Alison Porteous         Elephant in the room - Kandole Reagan  At UWEC Entebbe - Tambularts

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