Page 17 - April - June 2023 Edition
P. 17

THE MURCHISON FALLS INVITATIONAL   People have been fishing for sport as well   volunteers, conservationists, corporate
                                            sponsors, Uganda Wildlife Authority and the
         as food for almost as long as fishing has
 FISHING TOURNAMENT 2023  existed. With booming human populations   local community. The MFIFT is a leading
                                            ambassador for how to run and manage a
         and their demand for food security, many
         waters across the continent are under   sustainable conservation friendly ethical
 Authors: Charlie Morley, Andrew Nightingale   immense pressure and sadly lack any   sport fishing tournament.
         sustainable conservation practice.
         Murchison Falls National Park stands proud   A significant event like this creates income
         in Africa for its soundly sustainable   for the UWA directly in form of park entry
         protection of this section of the River Nile.  fees, fishing permits and vehicle fees. As a
                                            not-for profit event, and knowing the
         Murchison Falls National Park surrounds the   participants are there for the privilege of
         final section of the Victoria Nile before it   sport fishing, and not the prizes, the
         enters Lake Albert. A marvellous destination,   organizing committee have been able to
         an impossibility of angry water, a profusion   channel excess funds into conservation
         of channels through papyrus islands,   and the local community.
         multitudes of wildlife. In the middle of the   Community education is a paramount part
         Park are the Murchison Falls where almost   of any effort in conservation – an
         the entire River Nile pushes through a nine   investment in and an understanding that
         meter wide gorge in the most elemental   the future is important. Paraa Primary
         example of raw power. Three hundred and   School is situated on the park boundary
         fifty tons of water a second roar down this   and consists of students that are either
         narrow cleft, a jet of white water that would   children of the park rangers or from the
         spell certain death for anything that was   nearby communities. MFIFT funds have
         unfortunate enough to get caught in it. The   been able to provide the school with
         falls form a physical barrier past which no   much needed teaching scholastic and
         fish can migrate, so vast numbers of   physical education equipment, ensuring
         migratory species travelling upstream   pupils have the correct equipment to study
         congregate below the white water, making   at school and to catch up after the
         a perfect feeding ground for bigger   absence caused by Covid-19. Additionally,
         predators.                         school uniforms have been provided for all
                                            students irrespective of their background.
         In 2001 a group of friends downing a few   Several gifted students have also been
         Nile Specials in Kampala’s Just Kicking   helped with scholarships to secondary
         Sports Bar planned to escape the city to   education funded by the event.
         enjoy a fishing weekend away on the
         Murchison Nile. They decided to have a   Through the years the MFIFT has been able
         friendly sport fishing competition among   to donate vital equipment to help the UWA
         themselves, which was such a fun   in protecting Uganda’s and Murchison Falls
         challenge that it became an annual safari.   National Park’s precious wildlife and
         This group of fellow anglers and their event   wilderness. This has been through the
         slowly grew, and evolved into the highly   purchase of patrol boats, motorbikes, night
         competitive fishing tournament it is today.  vision optics veterinary equipment and
                                            much more. The competition organizers
         Over the next decade, the Murchison Falls   intend to continue with these donations
         Invitational Fishing Tournament came into   and support and have greater plans to
         being with huge support from generous   achieve next year in 2024.

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