Page 17 - April-June 2024 Edition
P. 17

              By Meg Hilbert Jaquay
              Co-Founder, Uniquely Paws Ltd

                     “THE VITAL
                  ANIMAL WELFARE
                  Dick & Rosie Stockley
                      AS THE                               Meg Hilbert Jaquay
            BEDROCK OF PUBLIC HEALTH”         (You can see George here, one of Meg’s
                                              dogs, with the first rabies collar of its kind in
         If you are an animal lover, keep reading.    Uganda: Photo courtesy of Meg Jaquay)
         Even if you are not, keep reading. Taking
         care of the overpopulation of our stray dogs
         and cats is important to all of us living in
         One of the most tangible intersections of
         animal protection and public health lies in
         the realm of zoonotic diseases – those that
         can be transmitted between animals and
         Take rabies, for example – a lethal virus often
         transmitted through the bite of an infected
         animal. By protecting domestic animals
         from rabies, we not only shield them from a
         dreadful fate but also create a robust barrier
         against the transmission of this fatal disease   So, where did Sue and Meg come up with
         to humans through bites, and we do not   this idea to start Uniquely Paws?  Well,
         want one more person dying of a rabies bite   fortunately or unfortunately, Meg has been
         in Uganda. Animal vaccination programs, a   the recipient of over 200 “over the wall”
         cornerstone of animal protection, serve as a   puppies in her compound in the 10+ years
         proactive defense mechanism against   she has been living in Uganda, in fact 19 in
         these zoonotic threats. But it’s not affordable   one month.  So, seeing this as a bit of a
         for the 1Million+ domestic animals here in   crisis in her neighborhood, she raised
         Uganda, but there is a solution.     money to sponsor a free community spay
                                              and neuter clinic in her area, in partnership
         Have you seen the new, yellow dog collars in   with the Uganda Society for the Protection
         your neighborhood yet?  This new initiative,   and Care of Animals(USPCA), and within
         created and funded by Uniquely Paws Ltd, a   months, the number of puppies
         non-profit based in the USA, and run by our   abandoned at her gate reduced to nearly
         very own Meg Hilbert Jaquay and Sue   zero, so something worked.  Then, she met
         Williams, is called The Yellow Collar Initiative.    Sue as a volunteer from the USPCA, and
         For every dog that receives a rabies   both being from NY, they realized their
         vaccination in Uganda, they receive a   interests and passions around women’s
         yellow collar, each with a unique registration   rights and animal welfare deserved a larger
                                              platform, and so Uniquely Paws Ltd was
         number on it, indicating that the animal has   formed in 2022.  And to date, Uniquely Paws
         received a rabies vaccine, in which district   clinics have served 2,563 animals, and
         the dog lives (1 is for Kampala, 2 is Wakiso,   performed 425 spay and neuter surgeries.
         and so on), and the year they first received   For every female dog who is NOT spayed,
         their collar.  These collars are made in   there is the potential for that mama dog to
         Uganda by Leopards Branch in Lubowa.  give birth to 40 puppies in 2 years.

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