Page 14 - July - Sept 2022 Edition
P. 14
Article by Simon Gillespie, Head of School 55
On May 17, 1967 "The Lincoln School" (now
International School of Uganda) was
registered by the Ministry of Education. The The ISU mission states that "we are a diverse
school leased the property on 93 Buganda and inclusive community of learners who
Road and the school was officially opened. come together to realize our individual and
55 years later, we are still going strong collective learning potential by creating a
educating children with an international culture of belonging, opportunity, and
focus within the context of Uganda. challenge." Further to this our vision states that
Students leave ISU feeling that they have "we seek to foster lifelong learners who are
contributed to the wider society by gaining agents of their learning and wellbeing; who
skills and understanding to prepare them seek a deeper understanding of, and
for life beyond school. ISU provides a well connection to, themselves, others in the
rounded education where children can school, Uganda, and global communities;
explore their passions and talents with a and act upon personal passions and
strong foundation in key learning concepts strengths to contribute in the pursuit of a more
and knowledge. sustainable, equitable, inclusive, and just
ISU is the oldest international school in
Uganda. The school is a non-profit In our 55th year the Class of 2022 honored 36
organization committed to providing graduates with our commencement
students from around the globe with a ceremony. We were able to make a special
world class education. Currently we have connection with the Obama Foundation
560 students representing 50 different through one of our graduates - Jacob
nationalities. Over the years thousands of Philadelphia. Jacob met President Obama in
students have passed through the campus the Oval Office in 2009, at which time a
of ISU and our alumni have gone on to picture was taken that became very
attend Universities around the world and significant for President Obama. Young
embark on careers that often connect Jacob asked President Obama if his hair was
back to Uganda. We offer the International the same as his - President Obama leaned
Baccalaureate at all three levels including down for him to touch. This moment
the Primary Years, Middle Years and demonstrated the importance of
Diploma Program. We are a fully inclusive representation and how this opened the world
school, ensuring that resources are in place for all young children. Before graduation
to support all learners regardless of any Jacob and ISU connected with the Obama
learning differences.
Foundation - which resulted in a zoom call
between President Obama and Jacob which
This school year we renewed our was turned into a great video explaining the
commitment to our values and beliefs and whole event. This was followed on by
re-wrote our mission and vision to reflect the President Obama sending our graduating
current world we live in and the best class a special video message
possible education we provide our congratulating the Class of 2022 on their