Page 30 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 30


        Following the movie, she went back into service
        and remained in the employ of the British East
        Africa Company operating on the river Nile
        under her original name the SS Murchison. It
        was during this time our ‘Queen’ had a ‘brief
        encounter’ with the author Ernest Hemingway,
        who in 1954 famously crashed his chartered
        plane in the wilds close to the Murchison Falls.
        After surviving the night in the bush, a badly
        shaken Hemingway and his wife Mary made
        their way to a rocky outcrop, where they saw
        the approach of a sightseeing launch, the
        SS Murchison, which was carrying a party
        celebrating a golden wedding. Hemingway
        was delighted to discover this was the very
        boat used in the film, and best of all, for
        Hemingway it boasted “An excellent refrigerator
        containing Tusker beer and several brands of   when she was discovered by New Zealander
        ale’. The ‘Queen’ took Hemingway and Mary to   Cam McCleay, who at the time was looking for
        Butiaba on the shores of Lake Albert, where they   an authentic African boat. So, after spending
        boarded a rescue plane, which also famously
        crashed and burned on the take off, but   over 10 years as a garden trailer in Nairobi, the
        miraculously all aboard escaped unhurt. But   Queen returned home to Uganda and was
                                            once again lovingly restored and put back
        once again the Queen made world headlines   into service on the river Nile as a tourist cruiser,
        following her encounter with the famous   where she would steam up the river and relive
                                            some of her glory years.
        Little is known of what happened to her beyond
        this point, other than she remained in the   But once again, following the owner’s
                                            departure from Uganda, the Queen was left
        employ of the British East Arica Company and   to rot by the shores of Lake Victoria, waiting
        then passed into the ownership of the Uganda   for someone to come along and breathe life
        National Parks, until 1984 when a Patagonian   back into her. This time her saviour came in the
        Engineer (Yank Evans) found her whilst working
        on the roads in the Murchison Falls National   form of Bruce Martin, who owns and operates
        Park.                               lodges in Murchison and Lake Albert, the
                                            Queen had come full circle, she was coming
        At the time she had fallen into disrepair and   home.
        was lying rotting away, her steel hull was rusting   On an overcast day in late February this year,
        below the water line and much of the wood
        had been eaten by termites. When Evans   Bruce pulled the boat out the wooded lake
        enquired about her, he learnt from the locals   shore spot which had been her home for
                                            over a decade, emptied her hull which was
        that she was the ‘African Queen’ so after   full of water, strapped two out board motors
        agreeing to pay $1 for the boat from the   to her stern, and sailed her to Entebbe Sailing
        Uganda National Parks, Evans trucked her to   Club where she was greeted with rapturous
        Entebbe and restored her with his son Billy. It   applause.
        was a labour of love.
                                            Over the last few months, Bruce with the
         In the 1990’s the fully restored Queen was   dedicated support of Tim Rogers has lovingly
        working again, this time running boat trips on   restored her back to her very best. The
        Lake Victoria, but in 1997, Evans left for Kenya   restoration was done with attention to detail
        and took the Queen with him. She remained
        there covered in Tarp in his garden until 2010   retaining the original parts and making sure that
                                            everything remained true to her original design.

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