Page 32 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 32


                 By Dick Stockley

         TICK FEVER

         ’ve been asked to write an article on tick fever.   over 80% of the ticks were infected. The only
         Should be easy, right? A common disease that   conclusion is that in endemic communities where
        Iis pretty straight forward. A lot of people are   the ticks are common everyone gets infected. It’s
        diagnosed as tick fever, some vets diagnose it   not diagnosed, it gets better on its own and they
        in dogs routinely. By coincidence our last visit to   are then immune for life. Similarly, Borelia Duttoni:
        a vet and a doctor in Botswana both suggested   it’s commonly found in returning visitors and
        tick fever. Only one problem: there is no such   tourists but across Africa it’s rarely diagnosed in
        disease.                            the community. Ticks are not discriminatory, they’ll
                                            bite anyone, so again it must be common, just
        In Europe “Tick fever” usually means Lyme   not diagnosed. And that’s why they are important.
        disease: a tick-borne disease caused by a   We certainly diagnosed African relapsing fever
        spirochete borrelia burgdorferi. We don’t have it   often enough in our patients from the history and
        in Africa. We have a milder tick-borne disease in   simple blood tests. Studies using pcr show that
        the same family, Borelia Duttoni, rather alarmingly   the spirochete itself is only found on microscopy
        named after Jonathan Dutton whodiscovered and   in a tiny percentage of cases with positive pcr. So,
        subsequently died from it about 120 years ago.   centers that have pcr will find cases: everyone
        Its common name is African tick borne relapsing   else will miss it. I’ve not heard of anyone doing
        fever, and in general it’s a lot less severe than   pcr for Borelia so it’s either diagnosed by clinical
        Lyme disease. However there are other Borelia   suspicion or missed. It classically causes a
        species in Africa which are more severe, one   sudden high fever with all the other associated
        species that is spread by both ticks and lice are   non-specific symptoms of joint pains, backache
        Borelia recurrentis, which has high mortality.   and headaches. It lasts a few days, then
        Good news: it’s rare, only common in South   antibodies kick in, and they get better. Then the
        Sudan. The other group of diseases commonly   bacteria change its antigens and off it goes again
        called tick fever are Rickettsia. There’s about 10   with another sudden fever a week or 2 later. And it
        different Rickettsia, some have quite well-known   can carry on for 5 to 10 cycles: 5 or more days of
        common names such as Rocky Mountain   fever, then better, and relapsing after a week or 2.
        spotted fever, tick typhus, murine typhus, scrub   Which is why it’s called relapsing fever. Not to be
        typhus, which is my favourite real name: Orientia   confused with “undulant fever” which has a similar
        tsutsugamushi. Sounds like a restaurant serving   recurring pattern but is due to brucellosis. The
        rice wrapped up in seaweed.         reason why most people get better without getting
        African tick bite fever is due to Rickettsia   the whole 3 months of relapsing fever is because
        Africae: R. Africae is reported as “no deaths   many antibiotics will treat it. So, the first time
        ever recorded.” However, there are other   someone gets a fever they are told its malaria.
        rickettsia diseases in Africa. R. Conorii causes   Old docs like me will remember that before rapid
        Mediterranean spotted fever also called “Kenya   tests made the diagnosis of malaria certain, every
        tick typhus” which can be nasty and fatal. Louse   fever was diagnosed as malaria. I read a German
        borne typhus is often fatal but again good news:   study about 25 years ago which found that the
        the most severe of the typhus Rickettsial diseases   diagnosis of malaria was wrong in 95% of cases.
        are no longer seen in Uganda.       When they looked carefully they found around 20
        So why are they important, are they common, and   different diseases as the actual cause of fever in
        are they easily treated? First are they common. A   these patients, including the different tick fevers.
        research study done in 2013 in Uganda collected   I also remember CDC identifying yellow fever
        and tested the tick vector of R. Africae and found   in that sudden epidemic a few years ago. Their

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