Page 68 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 68

Kampala City
        Kampala City

        Kampala: The City of Seven Hills    •  Average Temperature: 21°C
        Written by: Charlotte Beauvoisin – Diary of a   •  Climate: Tropical rainforest with two rainy
        Muzungu Uganda & East Africa Travel Blog   seasons (March-May and September-
        (                 November)
        Kampala, the capital and largest city of Uganda,   •  Elevation: 1,190 meters above sea level
        is the country’s political, cultural, and economic
        heart. Founded on the rolling hills of the Buganda   •  Latitude and Longitude: 00 19N, 32 35E
        Kingdom, Kampala has grown from a humble   •  Population (2024 estimate): Over 1.6 million
        royal hunting ground into a bustling, metropolis
        (with the traffic jams to match). Known for its   Monarch: Kabaka Ronald Edward Frederick
        vibrant nightlife and rich historical background,   Kimera Muwenda Mutebi II is the 35th Kabaka of
        Kampala is known as “the city that never sleeps.”  Buganda Kingdom
        Location                            History and Background:
        Situated in the central region of Uganda, Kampala   Kampala’s history is deeply intertwined with the
        is just a few kilometers from the shores of Lake   Buganda Kingdom. The city traces its origins
        Victoria. Spread across over 20 hills, the city   to the 19th century when Mutesa I, the Kabaka
        covers an area of around 189 square kilometers.   (king) of Buganda, chose the area as one of his
        Its strategic location as the commercial and   favorite hunting grounds due to its abundant
        administrative hub of Uganda makes Kampala   wildlife, particularly the impala antelope. The
        easily accessible from all parts of the country.  British colonialists later arrived and named
                                            one of the hills “The Hill of the Impala,” which
        Kampala District lies within the Kingdom of   the Baganda people translated into Luganda
        Buganda, in Central Uganda, close to the   as “Akasozi K’empala.” Over time, “K’empala”
        shores of Lake Victoria. The city is divided into   evolved into “Kampala,” the name the British
        five divisions: Kampala, Kawempe, Makindye,   rulers later adopted for the city. (The Luganda
        Nakawa, and Rubaga.                 language often incorporates English words, such
        Quick Facts                         as “emotoka” for “motor car.”)
        •  Distance from Entebbe International Airport:   Originally built on seven hills, Kampala has
          34 km                             expanded significantly over the years to cover
                                            more than 20 hills, each with its own unique
        •  Approx. Drive Time from Entebbe: 45 minutes   character and history. The annual Seven
          to 1.5 hours (depending on traffic)    Hills race is a 21km event that celebrates Old

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