Page 21 - July - Sept 2023 Edition
P. 21

mammoths to retreat from their land. The   hang like tumours on the side of tall trees.
         dogs are quick to alert us to visitors of all   They have a hard spiky exterior and their
         species. Nobody got much sleep the night   inners ooze a heavy sap. They reveal the
         the moon shone its brightest. The elephants   sweetest of fruits – just ask a baboon.
         were so close, we could hear the swish
         swish swish as they pushed through the tall   The impact of elephants visiting the
         aptly-named elephant grass.           community can be devastating. Local lad
                                               Sebastian tells me how he almost dropped
         How do the elephants know of the trench   out of school after elephants invaded their
         and the danger it represents to them? Were   land and destroyed his farmer's maize field.
         they aware of the men who dug barefoot
         along the forest edge? At 2 km long, two   Without it, there is no money for school fees.
                                               Sebastian started school two weeks late that
         metres wide and two metres deep, might   year as his dad looked for a loan to
         an elephant come crashing out of the   continue his son's education. How will his
         forest straight into the hole? (What if Julia   father be able to repay the loan if the
         and I get to the edge of the trench and   elephants return this year?
         there’s an elephant stuck in there!)
                                               Sebastian's story is very common around
         With these thoughts in mind, we exit the   here. Elephants are responsible for many
         sanctuary of the family compound and   children dropping out of school, consigned
         head for the Birder's Lounge, a free-standing   to a life without education and fewer
         thatch construction a hundred metres from   opportunities. There are few paid jobs in
         the forest. I half picture an elephant seated   rural areas and families survive on what they
         on the sofa! Out of the blue, chimpanzee   can grow: Irish (potatoes), yam, sweet
                                               potatoes, cassava, maize, beans, bananas
         ‘pant hoot’ cries make me jump and I   and pineapples. You can understand why
         laugh at my overactive imagination. I recall   the elephants are tempted out of the forest
         how elephants trashed the wooden fence   for they won't eat chilli, coffee or tobacco -
         one time. The family compound has a 9   but neither will the farmers' children, hence
         feet high wooden fence on all sides,   the edible crops continue to be planted,
         erected to keep the dogs in. It's been   despite the high risks.
         propped back up again but looks like
         someone (something?) has sat on it.   On a happy note, Sebastian did complete
                                               his schooling and is now employed as part
         Julia stands still in the full moonlight and   of the Snare Removal Patrol in Kibale Forest.
         scans every corner of the gardens ahead
         of us. Nested chimpanzees pant hoot in the   If you’d like to learn more about Life on the
         distance. Julia knows chimpanzees but she   Edge and walk along the Butterfly Transect
         also knows elephants. For many years, her   that runs alongside the elephant trench,
         home was a treehouse in the middle of   visit
         Kibale Forest from where she led the team
         that habituated Kibale's chimpanzees for   The East Africa Travel Podcast by
         tourism.                               Diary of a Muzungu is inspired by life at
                                                   Sunbird Hill and launches soon
         "Hang on Charlotte," she says. "Don't go
         racing down to the trench. Elephants may
         be big but they can appear silently out of
         nowhere.” She recounts a story of being in
         the forest one night. The elephants were
         ahead of her - or so she thought - until she
         realised she was standing right next to one.
         She couldn’t sprint to safety fast enough!
         The morning after our search for elephants, I
         notice the heady smell of rotten quasi
         alcoholic fruit. At my feet is the scattered   Forest elephants are notoriously shy, so this
         peel of a ripe jackfruit. These large ugly fruits  is quite a sighting! by Julia Lloyd

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