Editors Letter April – June 2024 Edition

Editors Letter April – June 2024 Edition
Shaz Dunbar - The Eye Magazine Uganda editor

Hello, Eye Readers!

The rainy season is upon us, but don’t let this stop you from heading outdoors and into the countryside for a wildlife safari.  There is a lot to appreciate about Uganda’s national parks —

There are lions that live in trees in Kidepo Valley National Park & the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park; mountain gorillas that can be seen in their natural habitat in Bwindi

“Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life.” – Roy T. Bennett

Impenetrable National Park; Shoebill Storks – a vulnerable species – can be seen in Murchison Falls National Park and in the Mabamba swamps; and let’s not forget about the chimpanzees, where Kibale Forest National Park is one of the best places in the world to see them. So, pack your raincoat, gumboots, water and favourite snacks and head out there despite the rain.


Enjoy this issue – until the next one – travel well and take care!

Shaz 😊

Passionfruit Flower Michelle Sutton cover iamge


Passionfruit Flower (Passiflora Edulis)

by Michelle Sutton

Michelle Sutton Photographer

Michelle Sutton


About the Photographer: Michelle Sutton

I’m a Canadian that has called Uganda home since 2002. When I originally came to Uganda with my husband Kevin, I fell in love with the climate, the people and the laid-back way of life. Kevin and I are now the owners and operators of Little Elephant Camp in Queen Elizabeth National Park. I’m a passionate wildlife and nature photographer who also loves gardening, flowers and dogs.


  • Andrew Roberts (East Africa Maps)
  • Charlotte Beauvoisin (Diary of a Muzungu)
  • Declan Peppard (Travel Care)
  • Dick Stockley
  • Michelle Sutton (Little Elephant Camp)
  • Meg Hilbert Jaquay (Uniquely Paws Ltd)
  • Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia
  • Lee Wilson (Kampala International School Uganda)
  • Luuk Eikmans (Bikeventures Uganda)
    Harriet Fowler (International Women’s Organiation)
    Papa’s Camp (Wildplaces Africa)
  • Jean-Pierre Meyer
  • The Surgery Uganda
  • Dr Michael Kiragga (Kiram Veterinary Surgery & Pet Travel)
  • Abhav (KISU Student), Denise & Gabriele Passarella (Travelingminds couple)
  • Ssebuuma Iyan Photography
  • Doreen (Elishadi)
  • Praise Mugisha (Buzigahill)
  • Ian Nnyanzi, Khrumwa Martin

Cover: Passionfruit Flower (Passiflora Edulis)

They are mostly tendril-bearing vines, with some being shrubs or trees. They can be woody or herbaceous. Passion flowers produce regular and usually showy flowers with a distinctive corona. There can be as many as eight coronal series. The flower is pentamerous and ripens into an indehiscent fruit with numerous seeds. Passion flowers have floral structures adapted for biotic pollination (Source: Wikipedia)

Public Holidays

10 April:  Eid al-Fitr

1 May:  Labour Day

10 May:  Census Day

12 May:  Mother’s Day

3 June:  Martyr’s Day

9 June:  National Heroes Day

17 June:  Eid al-Adha

21 June:  Father’s Day

Reach Out

Shaz Dunbar | info@theeye.ug | +256 782 947 882
Kampala, Uganda | theeye.ug | FB: @theeyemagazineuganda



WEBSITE DESIGN: Belinda Small | Bee Creative | belinda@beecreative.co.za

WEBSITE HOSTING: Selwyn Orren | Linuxweb | selwyn@linuxweb.co.za