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2 July 2024

QENP (Queen Elizabet...

Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) is a large sprawling park that straddles the equator ...
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1 July 2024

Infectious Conjuncti...

Let’s talk about infectious conjunctivitis. But quick warning: some causes of red eyes are serious!
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1 July 2024

Editors Letter July ...

Hello Eye readers! Check out our listings in the Explore Uganda section of the magazine – ...
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The Original Eye Magazine since 2000

Ugandan information magazine & online directory

This website houses the online version of the Eye Magazine & business directory including digital copies of the award-winning Eye Magazine. Our Magazine is a freely distrubuted useful informative directory that is published every third month. The Eye Magazine provides readers with information about Uganda on where to stay, where to eat, what to do and where to go in and around the country.

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Printed Copies

The Eye Magazine is widely distributed free of charge to select hotels, restaurants, businesses, airlines, travel &, tour operators, embassies, country clubs, bars and more in Uganda

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Celebrating 24 Years!

An award-winning Magazine, The Eye Magazine (Uganda) has been in existence since February 2000, celebrating 24 Years of publications! We are the Insider's Guide to Uganda!

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The informative Eye Magazine Directory is published in both print and digitally every 3 months


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