Featured articles

2 July 2024

QENP (Queen Elizabeth National Park)

Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) is a large sprawling park that straddles the equator in th...
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1 July 2024

Infectious Conjunctivitis

Let’s talk about infectious conjunctivitis. But quick warning: some causes of red eyes are serious!
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1 July 2024

Editors Letter July – Sept 2024 Edition

Hello Eye readers! Check out our listings in the Explore Uganda section of the magazine – whate...
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3 April 2024

Kampala International School Uganda (KISU)

Educating today’s children for tomorrow’s world at Kampala International School Uganda.
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3 April 2024

Animal Welfare as the Bedrock of Public Health

If you are an animal lover, keep reading. Even if you are not, keep reading. Taking care of th...
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2 April 2024

Kiram Veterinary Surgery and Pet Travels

Kiram Vet Surgery and Pet Travels is registered & licensed by Uganda Veterinary Board (UVB) as ...
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