Page 38 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 38
MFK Hospital
By Dr. Frauke Kawooya
Chronic Pain Management
Infiltration therapy and why
we should all know what that is
HE MZEE has unbearable back pain spine. This condition is very common in elderly
Tradiating into his legs. After trying out several but can even hit younger people in their late 40s.
methods of reducing it including oral pain killers,
therapeutic massages, physiotherapy and Dr. Mike Kawooya explains every image taken
changing life style as recommended by the GP and after a thorough examination advises to
the pain never reduced to a level that he can undergo an infiltration therapy. Infiltration therapy
move normally nor find a position how to sleep is a medical technique where a substance,
at night. Then a friend told him about this new such as a medication or anaesthetic, is injected
Orthopedic Hospital in Muyenga and the doctor directly into a specific tissue or area. The primary
with the “magic hands”... goal is often to provide localized relief from pain
or to treat a specific condition. For Mzee this
This is how he came to see Mike location are the lower back spine joints and their
Kawooya, a Senior Consultant Orthopedic surrounding tissue. The treatment takes place
and accidental Surgeon at MFK Orthopedics outpatient in three consecutive sessions in one
& Paediatrics Kisugu-Muyenga. The German week, usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
trained doctor and his wife, Frauke
Kawooya, a Senior Consultant for Child and
Adolescent Health, have returned to Uganda after
20 years of studying and working in Germany to
offer a unique service not to be found elsewhere
in Uganda and big parts of East Africa so far:
Effective Management of chronic backpain using
a nonsurgical, minimally invasive procedure
called infiltration therapy. The old man sees Dr.
Mike Kawooya for a consultation on what causes
his pain, diagnostic measures including lab and
X-rays (all services are offered within the facility)
show the problem: He suffers from arthritis of the