Page 41 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 41

Bird hide

        friends or families who wish to share their jungle   Black and White and Red colobus, and walk in
        experience. All cottages and rooms feature extra-  the footprints of elephants.
        long beds, en-suite bathrooms with hot showers,
        plenty of storage space, and charging stations.   Caring for nature
        Not to miss: ask for coffee or tea served at your   From the start, Turaco Treetops has been
        room in the morning and wake up with the forest   committed to protecting and preserving nature.
        sounds.                             Nearly all operations run on 24/7 solar power,
                                            the lodge practises waste management and
        More than chimpanzees               upcycling, and minimises single use plastics
        For most guests, embarking on a chimpanzee   by offering free drinking water. To encourage
        trekking is the highlight of their stay. The lodge is   wildlife and forest conservation Turaco Treetops
        a convenient 10-15-minute drive away from the   initiated and actively supports the Chris Roberts
        UWA starting point and serves early breakfast   Forest Foundation (CRFF - The
        to start the chimpanzee adventure energised.   foundation was named after Chris Roberts, one
        Seeing these intelligent great apes in their natural   of the founders of Turaco Treetops, who tragically
        habitat is a truly magical and humbling experience   lost his life in a lightning accident, shortly after
        due to their active nature, social interactions   completing the lodge constructions in 2019.
        and expressive facial expressions that strikingly
        resemble those of humans. Back at the lodge,   CRFF currently manages a total of 50-acres of
        guests often hear their lodge primate-neighbours   degraded land, previously affected by mono-crop
        calls as the night falls and occasionally small   farming, tree cutting and charcoal burning. The
        groups are roaming around near the lodge   foundation protects and restores boundary-zone
        premises.                           areas near the national park, plants indigenous
                                            trees, and works with nearby farmers to develop
        Though the Kibale area is known for   productive agro-forestry mixes that can benefit
        chimpanzees, the lodge is a great base for   people and nature. Every booking at Turaco
        other activities too. Neighbouring community   Treetops supports CRFF: the lodge donates 2
        organisation KAFRED for example offers guided   USD per bed-night and 50% of its nature walk
        nature walks in the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary and   earnings to the foundation.
        cultural tours that invite guests to explore village
        activities, taste local meals and hear stories   Book your stay
        about traditional life and practices. Both KAFRED   To enjoy all that Turaco Treetops has to offer,
        experiences are just a 10-minute drive away from   ideally book for two nights (or more!). The team
        Turaco Treetops. For anyone with a bit more time   is easily available via WhatsApp (+256 757 152
        to travel, the crater lakes and 360-degree “Top   323) and will make sure you feel welcome in the
        of the world” viewpoint are great additions. Or,   forest.
        make a day-trip to Fort Portal to visit the botanical   For all Eye Magazine readers Turaco Treetops
        gardens, Tooro Kingdom palace, or the Mpanga   now offers a 10% discount. Mention EYE10 when
        market.                             booking - the discount is given on the room rate
        Next to these excursions there is much more to   (Bed and Breakfast), and is applicable to direct
        explore at Turaco Treetops. Birding enthusiasts   bookings of 2 nights or more, booked for the
        can comfortably observe and photograph a   period September 15 - December 15, 2024. The
        variety of bird species – including Great Blue   forest is waiting for you.
        and Ross’s Turacos, Black and White Casqued
        Hornbills, and White Browed Coucals – from
        the newly built bird hide overlooking the forest
        edge and an elephant-made water pool. Lodge               Luxury cottage
        guests can also join a guided nature walk directly
        from the lodge. Turaco Treetops has created a
        network of trails and boardwalks that take guests
        through the rain forest and the reforestation and
        agro-forestry zones of the Chris Roberts Forest
        Foundation. During the walk you can learn more
        about the flora and fauna around the lodge, spot
        birds and butterflies, encounter Redtail monkeys,

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