Page 42 - Oct-Dec 2024 Edition
P. 42

ACK PAIN is a very common
                                            Bcondition and will affect most of us
                                            at some time in our lives. The causes
                                            can be wide -ranging and complex. The
        |  SPINE CARE                       good news is that in most cases it isn’t
                                            a serious problem, and it might just be
           By Sarah Worthington             caused by a simple strain to a muscle
                                            or ligament.

           o, what do we do about it? Firstly, we need   The Central Nervous System is one big
        Sto understand what is causing the pain and   information highway carrying vital messages to
        how to improve it. But, perhaps more importantly,   all parts of your body. This is one of the main
        we need to understand how to prevent pain and   reasons why it is imperative to look after your
        recurrence.                         spine; there’s no such thing as a spine transplant!
        Back pain can affect any part of your spine; the   Back pain is most commonly caused by injury to
        most common occurs in your low back – your   the structure of the spine; the joints between the
        Lumbar spine. Pain in your upper back – your   vertebrae, the intervertebral disc and associated
        Thoracic spine (and frequently across your   muscles and ligaments. Injury can be sudden
        shoulders) is often related to bad posture. Neck   i.e. from an accident, fall or lifting something
        pain – Cervical Spine pain commonly results   heavy. Or it can develop over time due to age-
        in headaches. The spine is made up of 24   related degeneration, bad posture and repetitive
        individual bones (Vertebrae) separated by a   strain. Uncommonly, some diseases and other
        jelly-like Intervertebral disc. At the base of the   conditions can cause back pain. This is why it is
        spine several vertebrae are fused into the Sacrum   important to get a proper diagnosis for the cause
        which is connected to the pelvis.   of your pain. This can be done by a Medical
                                            doctor, Chiropractor or physiotherapist.
                                            Treatment options include:
                                            Medical intervention; usually in the form of pain
                                            medication for uncomplicated mechanical pain.
                                            Pain medication and continuing normal activities
                                            will often result in resolution of your pain as most
                                            conditions are self-limiting – the body has an
                                            amazing capacity to heal itself.
                                            However, this does not address the cause of the
                                            problem and it is therefore likely to recur at some
                                            Whereas manual treatment such as that provided
                                            by a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, acupuncturist
                                            or massage therapist often avoids the need
        The spine protects the spinal cord, which is part of   for medication, and addresses the dysfunction
        the Central Nervous System. It is like segmented   whilst also aiming to provide rehabilitation and
        armour that can bend and move naturally with the   prevention of recurrence.
        body. Under the armour a lot is happening.
        Messages travel from around the body up and   Prevention
        down the spinal cord and into the brain. The brain   We cannot easily control against Injury, disease
        processes these messages and sends replies   and age. But we are able to prevent spine
        back down the spinal cord to the body.  disorders that result from Misuse or Lack of
                                            use. When we understand these factors we can
                                            recognize how to prevent most spinal issues.
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