Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. George Addair

Dear Eye Reader,

Whether you are familiar with The Eye Magazine Uganda, or not, welcome to our first issue after having been “away”. In that relatively short space of time so much has changed. For some the change has been for the better, but for others it has not been as kind. Wherever your journey has taken you, I sincerely hope that after reading this issue, it takes you on a journey around this beautiful country. There is so much to see and to do in Uganda that we can almost certainly regard ourselves as being “spoilt for choice”.

The Eye Magazine Uganda is published on a quarterly basis with a print run of 10,000 copies. Although we do our best to ensure each issue is updated and as accurate as possible, it is always helpful if we receive your feedback. Please get in touch via email if you know of any changes or additions that need to be made. Your help is always appreciated and your input invaluable.

Thank you to all the businesses who supported this issue through advertising and through editorial contributions. A special thanks goes out to Caitlin Kirabo Roberts for the use of her amazing drawing of a Karamajong man which we have used as our cover pic, and to Andrew Roberts for his help with the proof reading of some of our articles.

I hope you’ll find this issue useful and informative. Until the next one take care of yourselves, travel well and please continue to follow all Covid19 SOP’s

All the best, Shaz


Andrew Roberts

Anna Muscetta

Caitlin Kirabo Roberts

Charlotte Beauvoisin

Julia Lloyd


Michael Keigwin

‘Karamajong man’
Caitlin Kirabo Roberts, Artist

The Eye magazine cover Artwork by Caitlin Kirabo Roberts
The Eye magazine cover April 2022 Artwork by Caitlin Kirabo Roberts

Instagram: katyr_art


15 April Good Friday

17 April Easter Sunday

18 April Easter Monday

1 May Labour Day

3 May Eid-Al-Fitr

3 June Martyr’s Day

9 June National Heroes Day