The Coffee Lodge

The Coffee Lodge

The Coffee Lodge on Clarke Farm and Coffee Estate is the latest addition to tourism in Uganda, introducing the experience of visiting a working farm and coffee estate.

Coffee Lodge Logo

The lodge itself sits atop a hill, with stunning 360-degree views over the property. The lodge is surrounded by a large rock garden with paths running throughout, bringing you to shady nooks in which to sit, relax and enjoy the views. For those who would like some extra exercise, there are 600 steps leading from the top to the bottom of the hill.

The food served is fresh Ugandan cuisine from our own farm supplies of eggs, matoke, oranges, maize flour, chicken, potatoes, vegetables and herbs from our own kitchen garden. And of course our own coffee.

Clarke Farm occupies an area of 1,500 acres with many trails throughout. There are walks in the eucalyptus and natural forests; one can visit the orange and mango groves, walk along the shaded river path to the small rapids in a completely different ecosystem, wander through the coffee and see how macadamia nuts grow. During the coffee season, one can join the coffee pickers in hand-picking the ripe red cherries which go into making fine quality coffee. In the evenings one can visit the wet processing plant and see how coffee is processed by removing the pulp (the fleshy coat) washing off the mucilage (the sticky substance around the bean), drying, storage, then hulling and grading into ‘green bean’ ready for roasting.

The Coffee Lodge
The Coffee Lodge Photo by Dr. Ian Clark
The Coffee Lodge Dr Ian clark
The Coffee Lodge Photo by Dr. Ian Clark

If the coffee is being tested in the coffee lab one can also join in learning how to ‘cup’ the freshly roasted coffee and purchase a sample of one of Uganda’s finest coffees.

The Coffee Lodge is located one hour from Fort Portal in Kyenjojo District, 30 kilometres from Rugombe village on the main Kampala to Fort Portal highway. It is easily accessible and is a convenient stopover for those travelling from Kampala or Masindi to Fort Portal. Seeing a working farm and coffee estate provides a glimpse of another facet of life in Uganda – you will not be disappointed.

The Coffee Lodge View
The Coffee Lodge View

The Coffee Lodge

Costs & Contact Details

Prices start at $140 per night for 2 people sharing: Including bed and breakfast.
Conducted farm tours $20 per person.
Telephone: 0392 201400.  E-mail | website:

1 Comment

  1. Ssekijjumba Edward

    In love of traveling and coffee with agood location
    As atravel person and ahotelian with love for hotel publications I would love to see this amazing hilltop place soon
    SSEKIJJUMBA EDWAR – Director Black series media


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